Rail + Rapid Transit

From light rail to subways to commuter rail, Sam Schwartz brings its multi-disciplinary expertise to bear on the most complicated rail challenges, including service patterns and operations, parking planning, fare payment systems, regional integration, and community outreach.

Bus + BRT

Buses are the backbone of many transit networks. Better planning, along with new technologies and service, can boost ridership, improve coverage, and increase transit equity. With experience ranging from route planning and facilities design to operations and equipment analysis, Sam Schwartz is a leader in driving transformational change in bus systems.


Transit Priority Streets: A Nuanced Approach to Balancing the Needs of All Users (see P. 210)

Kate SargentContact for: Bus and BRT

Kate Sargent

Contact for: Bus and BRT

Matt Orenchuk, PE, AICPContact for: Bus and BRT

Matt Orenchuk, AICP

Contact for: Bus and BRT



On-demand ridesharing services are changing the transportation landscape. While their flexibilty and ease of use make them an appealing option to many riders, integrating these services in a manner that supports rather than detracts from extant transit options is a challenge. Sam Schwartz leverages its deep expertise in multi-modal planning to design and implement cutting-edge microtransit initiatives.

Joe IacobucciContact for: Microtransit

Joe Iacobucci

Contact for: Microtransit