
Fargo, ND


Fargo-Moorhead Metropolitan Council of Governments


  • Parking Planning + Policy

  • Traffic Engineering

  • Transportation Planning

Fargo/West Fargo Parking + Access Study

Fargo West Fargo parking plan projected parking zones map

In recent years the Fargo and West Fargo region has seen unprecedented growth, presenting an opportunity to create more mixed-use, walkable, and sustainable development patterns. To better understand how access management and parking can support this type of growth, Sam Schwartz was retained by the Fargo-Moorehead Metropolitan Council of Governments (Metro COG) to develop a set of guidelines and practices for building a culture of respect for all street users.

Sam Schwartz built guidelines tailored to the needs of the Fargo metropolitan region through a stakeholder outreach process that drew on parking/travel demand preferences, developer insights, and planning programs. They create a balanced transportation system that simultaneously improves traffic efficiencies; this includes elements like taking advantage of the natural resiliency of the area’s street grid to reducing unnecessary off-street parking. To illustrate how the guidelines could apply to Fargo, a series of land use prototypes were developed to highlight elements of a sustainable site, including appropriate street framework, access spacing, pedestrian crossings, and parking ratios.